Teacher Grants Awarded

Two Marshall County teachers are the recipients of the Marshall-Putnam Farm Bureau 2015 Ag in the Classroom grant. Marsha Klein, first grade teacher at Henry Senachwine Grade School and Lisa Lindstrom, K-4 Librarian at Fieldcrest East Elementary received word that their applications have been selected as this year's winners.  Each teacher will receive $100 to purchase resources and supplies for their projects. 

Mrs. Klein is implementing an "Ag Throughout the Year" project. Her students will be participating in a variety of topics and projects such as plant life cycles, growing plants, learning about "My Plate" and the nutritional value of plants, and the role bees play in our food supply. 

Ms. Lindstrom is creating a unit on the "Importance of Bees".  She plans to purchase books and educational videos that will be used to teach the bee life cycle and role in pollination.  Her students will be creating posters about what they learn. 

This AITC grant is sponsored by the Women's Committee of the Marshall-Putnam Farm Bureau.